What to Rename Industrial: Cesar Chavez Riverfront Boulevard?

When Dallas city leaders asked the public what to rename Industrial Boulevard, the result was overwhelming: Cesar Chavez Boulevard, in honor of the Mexican civil rights leader.

But now, the same city leaders who solicited the poll don’t seem to like the results.  They apparently are set to rename the street Riverfront or Waterfront Boulevard.

Today, Industrial is a street few people would want named after them.  It’s full of beer joints, strip clubs and bail bond companies.

But the huge Trinity Project is set to transform the street.  Years from now, it might be a tourist destination.

Latino leaders feel slighted, and the controversy is on the verge of becoming racial.  If African-Americans can get a street named after Martin Luther King, they argue, why can’t Latinos get a street named after a Latino hero like Chavez?

City council member Dwaine Caraway, who happens to be black, says it’s not about race.  He argues the street should reflect the Trinity project, and not be named after a person.  He says he also doesn’t support naming the street after Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, a prominent African-American political leader in Dallas.

Caraway is floating a compromise, of sorts.  His idea: What about renaming Jefferson Boulevard, or Davis Boulevard, which run through the heart of heavily Latino Oak Cliff, Cesar Chavez Boulevard?

Not a bad idea, and one many Latinos would support.  Activist Carlos Quintanilla, who hadn’t heard of the possible compromise until I told him right before we interviewed him, would take Jefferson over Industrial anytime.

City council member Elba Garcia says ignoring the public poll and renaming Industrial something other than Cesar Chavez would sent the wrong message to the public.  But when I spoke to her on the phone, she seemed willing to some compromise, which includes renaming Industrial “Cesar Chavez Riverfront Boulevard.”  Try fitting that on the street signs!

Garcia and Caraway are both on the city council committee that is supposed to decide the issue on Tuesday.

Expect some bickering.  Whatever they decide, somebody won’t be happy. 

But it does look like there are some compromises that would ultimately satisfy everyone.  And hey, there’s one thing on which everyone agrees.  The name Industrial has to be replaced.

4 Responses to “What to Rename Industrial: Cesar Chavez Riverfront Boulevard?”

  1. 1 CKM June 10, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    I always thought Industrial Blvd was a great name for that stretch of road. Why change it now, when everyone is familiar with it. It’s not like an area code that runs out over time. Lord knows how costly THAT is when you have to change letterhead, business cards, company contacts, etc., all real expenses when you consider changing a name of an established street just to appease an ethnic group. GIVE ME A BREAK! When will we stop pandering to these groups at the expense of the taxpayers???

  2. 2 Bill Betzen June 14, 2008 at 10:29 am

    Little Mexico, like many other laborer communities in the history of Dallas, has been virtually erased from the Dallas landscape. (See photo at bottom of page at http://www.studentmotivation.org/littlemexico.) Industrial blvd was the major transportation artery through the industrial area of the city where thousands of workers from Little Mexico, and similar communities, worked or traveled every day. It is very appropriate to honor such workers by renaming Industrial Blvd in the honor of a national leader in workers’ rights. It will help us remember the workers of all races who are the literal builders and maintainers of our city and nation.

    It is easier to ignore workers’ basic human rights when we keep the names of such leaders hidden within their own communities, or somehow even try to turn a basic worker rights issue into a racial issue. Who benefits from such a distraction?

  3. 3 College Student August 30, 2008 at 11:47 am

    I believe that it is time to rename Ross Ave. History repeats itself when it is worthy. If the Ross brothers are worthy of having a street named after them then in time another street will be named after them. For now let us have Cesar Chavez Avenue. We are citizens of this country, and we believe that Cesar Chavez is worthy. Let us honor who we believe is important. It is time for true equality. We were all made equal under the eye of the creator so please stop the hostility.

  4. 4 Joey77 October 3, 2008 at 8:59 am

    Look there is NOO way the name will be Cesar Chavez Riverfront Blvd! YoU cant even see a RIVER from INDUSTRIAL! Can somebody please go to industrial and see for yourself! Industrial blvd is going to HAVE to be CESAR CHAVEZ AVe! The TRP only means what we make it mean. If Cesar Chavez was one of the first environmentalist his pioneering understanding of poluted water run-off from crops raised of DDT, were causing harm to our quality of food and life.! BEside we STILL cant see a RIVER from Industrial Blvd! That of course unless it rains!

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