Posts Tagged 'GHB'

Stupid Criminal of the Week

Somehow I never got around to blogging about the guy a few weeks ago in North Fort Worth who allegedly robbed a bank. It seems he apparently forgot about a key part of any bank robber’s plan — the getaway car.

Police say he apparently took a taxi to the bank, then tried to carjack a woman outside, but was unlucky enough to do it in front of two soldiers, who jumped on him, took away his gun, and held him until police arrived.

But that’s old news now…

I have a new nominee for stupid (alleged) criminal of the week.

Police say a Hurst woman was driving so erratically in Watauga, another driver called 911.  Police say the woman literally drove right in front of the Watauga police station — weaving through lanes and driving through stop signs.

The officer who stopped her reported she was sweating profusely even though her air conditioner was on full-blast and appeared very nervous.

The officer also noticed a chemical odor coming from her car.

He arrested her on traffic violations and inside her car, found a mobile drug lab. Police say she was making GHB, the so-called “date rape” drug, which officers say is making a comeback in parts of Tarrant County.

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