Posts Tagged 'medstar'

Mother Who Waited Hour for Help Wants to be Ambulance Director

Sometimes there just isn’t enough time in my TV stories to get all the tidbits I would like to include, so thank goodness for this blog!

Nancy Milliken, the mother who waited almost an hour for an ambulance to arrive at her West Fort Worth home after her baby had a seizure, wants to be on the board of directors for Medstar.

My story tonight focused on Medstar managers ordering paramedics to work mandatory overtime to make up for a staffing shortage.  That move comes after a consultant criticized Medstar managers for not having a “sense of urgency” to improve performance.

Anyway, Milliken has been going to Medstar board meetings and trying to get to the bottom of the problems herself.  She discovered that several board members’ terms have expired, and she says the board needs new blood.

By the way, another tidbit I didn’t have time to fit in…. Medstar forgave her bill, which would have been nearly $2000.  Probably the right thing to do, given how long it took the ambulance to arrive.

Milliken has a lot of energy and I have a feeling Medstar hasn’t heard the end of her yet.

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